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Managing Stress At Work

Did you know that everything in life is about how you feel – even when you're at work? How you feel comes from how you think about things. Are you feeling completely happy with your colleagues, your job function, and your workplace environment? If not, chances are that you may feel put down, disempowered, overlooked, or unappreciated.

Perhaps you work for a bully, have demanding colleagues, put up with sexual harassment, or deal all day with angry customers. All these issues can lead to feeling stressed, and even depressed, if not managed properly.

Having a right attitude and commitment to your job and employer will help you manage stress better at work. With the right knowledge and skills but wrong attitude and commitment, things will quickly go off the rails, resulting in considerable stress.

Imagine having a stressful experience at work, but being able to recover from it. Wouldn't that be great? Or what if you could deal quickly with your bad feelings? Imagine being able to understand why you feel what you feel when you're stressed. It truly is possible – you just need to know how.

Karen and Dr. Mike Gosling will help you understand the cause of your stress and teach you ways to change your thinking to create positive emotions and behavior. In this interactive workshop you will quickly learn strategies to immediately feel well and have healthy relationships, increasing your effectiveness at work and at home.

Learn more about how to stop stress and help your body heal >>