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Work Emotions

Peter Drucker once said, "Most leaders don't need to learn what to do. They need to learn what to stop."

How true. Can you imagine your boss admitting a personal failing and outlining his efforts to stop doing it?

Probably not. There are good reasons for this. Leaders try to maintain a positive tone and commitment to positive action. Recognition and reward systems acknowledge the doing of something. Leaders get credit for doing good things - rarely for ceasing to do bad things.

What's Wrong With Us?

Dr. Marshall Goldsmith found that the 20 flaws that hold most people back are rarely flaws of skill, intelligence, or personality. They are challenges in interpersonal behavior, often leadership behavior. They are the egregious everyday annoyances that make your workplace noxious. They are transactional flaws performed by one person against others.

These 'transactional flaws' identified by Marshall Goldsmith in the workplace cause considerable emotional dis-ease, both in the person (or persons) on the receiving end of the flaws and in the leader perpetrating them.

Dr. Mike Gosling has devised a comprehensive emotional leader process to coach successful leaders to become even more successful by identifying and stopping one or two annoying behaviors and strengthening good habits. The process begins by examining a leader's emotional intelligence as a starting point for behavioral change.

Examining one's emotions as signals for inneffective behavior leads to a massively improved ability to recognize, use, understand, and manage emotions in one self and in other people. The program facilitates the practise of eight emotional skills that enhance the effectiveness and productivity of leaders, their teams, and their people.

Learn more ...



Emotional Leadership

Emotional Leadership Using emotionally intelligent behaviour to enjoy a life of EASE
By Dr. Mike & Karen Gosling (336 pages, US$27)

In this book We combine all of the lessons we learned over the years together - We share the tips, tools, and techniques that we developed and apply in our own lives.

Now available on Amazon.com

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